21ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: Can I Have A Real Relationship With MY FWB?

It’s worked for some InstaPundit readers: “My wife and I just read the abstract on booty calls and had a good chuckle. We were each others’ booty call for 7 years. We got married in Costa Rica on February 26 and are celebrating with a party tomorrow, not as extravagant as a Clinton wedding but a nice party none the less. In our humble opinion, our booty call made for a solid foundation for a great relationship.”

Kind of depends on the people and their expectations, though.

UPDATE: Another reader emails:

Count me in the club of someone who married his friend with benefits. And it definitely made for a stronger marriage, as my wife is also my best friend.

We now refer to that time as “when we were dating but for some reason didn’t admit it.”

Well, there you are.