BUYING HABITS: Reader Art Weller writes:

I was in the process of buying my son a new Laptop today, on Amazon. I stopped in the middle of the process, backed out, and came back through the link on Instapundit. In a modern age, I can combine my consumer actions with supporting a part of my community. That’s interesting, and worth paying attention to.

That’s what was on my mind as I was grocery shopping this afternoon, and it led me to begin comparing prices at the big grocery store with what I pay on Amazon for some items (such as coffee). In every case, the local store was higher priced.

Even figuring in the cost of Amazon prime, I save money shopping online more often than not, making the convenience free.

Thoughtful day, especially in today’s economic climate.

Support the folks you’d like to see flourish. Let the ones you don’t like shrivel and die.