The federal government will not file criminal charges against any of the 15 out-of-state gun dealers accused by Mayor Bloomberg in a federal lawsuit of selling guns illegally, the Daily News has learned.

In a stern rebuke to the city’s high-profile crusade against illegal guns, the feds warned the Bloomberg administration that it could face “potential legal liabilities” if it continues to conduct sting operations that fall within the jurisdiction of federal agents.

Bloomberg announced the filing of a federal lawsuit last May against 15 gun dealers, who he lambasted as the “worst of the worst.” The city later filed a similar lawsuit against another 12 dealers.

In both cases, the city sent private investigators to gun dealers and secretly videotaped them making what Bloomberg called illegal “straw purchases.”

A “straw purchase” refers to when an individual talks with a store clerk about purchasing a gun, but then gets another person to fill out the required federal forms and undergo the mandatory background check.

According to a letter sent to City Hall, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and various U.S. attorneys’ offices have determined the city’s findings against the 15 dealers “do not rise to a level that would support a criminal prosecution.”

Bloomberg’s behavior, on the other hand, is under investigation by the ATF.

UPDATE: Dave Hardy isn’t surprised:

The dealers would have the defense that they didn’t realize that the gun was going to the person who didn’t sign the forms, but the buyers have no such defense — they knew exactly that that was the plan. So there’s no doubt that the buyers broke the Gun Control Act, and that those who set them to it were liable as aiders and abettors, not to mention on a conspiracy theory. I’d assume that Bloomberg and company (1) figured it was worth it for the publicity and (2) figured that the laws don’t apply to the rich and powerful. They may just have been right on both.

We’ll see.